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Want to kickstart your journey to better health?


1:1 nutritional consultation and coaching?


This program includes a personalized diet, supplements, and lifestyle suggestions. This program also includes ongoing support during our month together.


Need a Kickstart?

1 on 1 Consultation

This is for you if you need:​


To recharge your body and mind 


To kickstart your lifestyle with ongoing support and coaching


To feel confident and safe in your body and health choices


Guidance in how to better incorporate health and wellness into your busy life.


To not be dependant on caffeine in the morning


To feel like your day doesn't revolve around sugar

What is included:


1:1 initial consultation | 60 min 


A detailed customized protocol specific to your health complaints and goals.


Includes 2 weeks meal plan, recipes, and supplementation provided after each follow-up session. 


2 follow-up sessions throughout 1 month.  on video or phone where we discuss your progress and make adjustments to your plan where needed.


Access me via email for extra support in between appointments.


Lifestyle choices to implement to optimize your well-being

3 sessions - $400.00

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